New Here?
This website was designed not just for members of Newnan FUMC or those who attend regularly, but also for those who have maybe never attended one of our services. In addition to the info on this page, click each heading to find out more detailed information about each ministry.
We want you to find all the information you need, so if you can't find answers to your questions here, feel free to contact us.
Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary: 8:30 a.m. & 10:55 a.m. Connect Contemporary Worship in the Parish Hall: 11:00 a.m.
There are various Sunday School options available for all age ranges and stations in life. They meet from 9:45 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Click here for detailed descriptions of each.
Bible Study Classes are different from Sunday School in that they often meet at times other than Sunday mornings and will meet for a set number of weeks. Since these classes change quite frequently, be sure to check back often for new opportunities to study God's word. Click here for a current list.
Why do you baptize infants? Why don't you immerse? What is the purpose of baptism? These are all important questions. To learn what United Methodists believe about baptism, click here. If you would like for yourself or your child to be baptized in one of our services, click here to let us know!
Confirmation refers to the decision a person makes to respond to God's grace with intentional commitment, publicly reaffirming his or her baptismal vows before the congregation. Most confirmands are youth between the ages of eleven and fourteen, who have been nurtured in the church since their baptism as an infant or young child. If you would like for your child to participate in the next upcoming confirmation, visit
If you've checked us out for yourself and decided that we're the church home for you, click here to get in touch with a pastor about your decision. If there are any questions he or she can answer, don't hesitate to ask!
Our music ministry is one of the key aspects of worship in our church. Between our choirs, handbells, and praise band, there are lots of ways for singers and musicians of all ages to share their gifts. Click here for more info on these groups.
We have a wonderful Children's Ministry here at Newnan FUMC. There are tons of opportunities for kids of all ages. Click here for more info on these options.
Our youth group is constantly growing and providing chances for your teens to grow in their faith. Mission trips, bible studies, Sunday School, and Wednesday night activities are just a few of these. Find out more about what's going on by visiting
From Fun 'n Frolic events and Bible Studies to Sunday School classes, church gatherings, and music, there are lots of ways to get plugged in and involved in the life of Newnan FUMC. Click here for our upcoming events.
It takes a lot to run a ministry this active. Our volunteers and lay leaders are some of the most important people to the life of our church. If you'd like to volunteer your time and gifts, click here and we'll find the right place for you!
Need to find us? Click here for a map and detailed directions!
We are a downtown church that has grown, adjusted, and expanded around our historic Sanctuary and original buildings. Click here to download our campus map so that you'll know exactly what we mean when we refer to our Parish Hall or Annex Building.